Services Offered in the Village
​Trash Collection and Recycling Program
Curbside recycling and curbside yard waste collection services are provided by Local Waste.
Trash collection and curbside recycling will be picked up each Thursday, except when a National Holiday falls on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Then pick up will be on Friday. Each household is provided one trash bin and one recycling bin at no cost.
If any resident wants an additional trash container, please contact Local Waste at
(614) 409-9375. There will be a $36.00 annual fee that the resident will be required to pay. The Village will not pay for additional trash containers.
Refuse containers must be returned to the building line of each residence within twenty four (24) hours after trash collection. (Ordinance 13-75) Do NOT bundle or place recycling materials in plastic bags, place loosely in bins.
Don’t just recycle. Recycle Right.
It’s not only important to recycle. It’s important to Recycle Right.
By only recycling materials that are accepted at the recycling facility, your recycling will make more of an impact. SWACO’s “RECYCLE RIGHT” campaign makes proper recycling easy by giving you a comprehensive list of what should and what shouldn’t go in your recycling container. For more information about “RECYCLE RIGHT,” please visit RecycleRight.org
Questions about Proper Recycling?
Still have questions about what’s accepted or not accepted for recycling? Visit SWACO’s Frequently Asked Questions page at https://recycleright.org/faq/. 

Have Unwanted or Hard to Recycle Items?
Visit SWACO’s “Reuse and Recycling Search Tool” to find the best solution for your unwanted item at https://recycleright.org/recycle-reuse-search-tool/.
Yard waste will be picked up with the trash collection. Tree limbs and shrubbery must be cut and bundled with biodegradable twine or string. Grass, leaves and plant materials should be placed in biodegradable paper or other paper bags.
For disposal of paint, and other hazardous household materials not listed above, please contact SWACO at (614) 871-5100 for a schedule of drop-off locations.
SWACO will not accept: appliances, tires, trash, propane tanks (over 20 lbs.) asbestos, needles, medical waste, used oil, car batteries, household cleaners and latex paint.
Latex paint, when dried, is not considered hazardous and can be disposed in your bagged and tied trash. If the latex paint has not dried, stabilize it with cat litter or sawdust before disposing of in the trash. Visit www.swaco.org for more information.
Water and Sewage Services
​Water and sewer services are provided by the City of Columbus. Water and sewer maintenance and billing are provided by Franklin County. Bills are sent to residents on a quarterly basis; however, you may elect to pay on a monthly basis. Please contact the Franklin County Sanitary Engineers at (614) 525-3940 with any questions.
Reporting Water Pollution
When it comes to protecting our water resources, we all need to be part of the solution. If you see someone putting anything down a storm drain or directly into any body of water or ditch, obtain a license plate number or address and report it to:
It's a Crime: (614) 871-5322, online: www.itsacrime.org
Report the release of any material that impacts public health or the environment, including chemicals and petroleum products to:
Ohio EPA Hotline: (800) 282-9378
Village Street-Sweeping Services
Weather permitting, street sweeping is tentatively scheduled for early Spring and late Fall. The exact dates will be posted on the Lockbourne Facebook page and on our website. "No Parking" signs will also be posted. Your compliance with no street parking on the day(s) for street sweeping is critical to enable the Village to remove debris from the gutters and streets, which, if allowed to accumulate, contributes to localized flooding. Only streets with curbs will be cleaned.
Other Services
South Central Power (740) 653-4422
Heating Options (Propane)
AmeriGas (800) 722-5757
Buckeye Propane (740) 477-9561
Englefield Oil (740) 928-8215
Heating Options (Fuel Oil)
Co-Alliance (800) 525-0272
Englefield Oil (740) 928-8215
Marble Cliff Oil Co (614) 488-3434
Cable Options
Spectrum (855) 243-8892
Dish (877) 567-1917
DIRECTV (888) 795-9488
High Speed Internet Options
Spectrum (855) 243-8892
AT&T (866) 861-6075​